Time for a Change

Since we went in to business in 1998 and subsequently re-named to Edwards Commercial Cleaning Services Ltd in 2003, we’ve worked from an office in our home.

Although it has been a really good arrangement and kept the costs down, it’s not been ideal for any kind of home life as we’ve had colleagues based in our home making calls, interviewing new staff and sending emails etc. As we’ve grown in size and numbers of people, it has been harder to have a work / life balance and although it’s been handy working from home and being able to have meetings without leaving the kitchen, we thought it was about time we moved the office in to a more suitable location. So from Monday the 6th August we’ll be in The Grainger Suite, Dobson House, Regent Centre in Newcastle

As well as moving the office out, Hazel and I will be moving house towards the end of August and we’ll also have an office there but mostly the staff will be working out of The Grainger Suite. Innovations in I.T. these days makes it possible to work from just about anywhere seamlessly and we’re looking forward to settling into both the new house and office.

The office move went very well and apart from a bit of ‘down time’ when we moved the server and our email address to a new broadband provider, it was good. Thank goodness for our great staff and a couple of vans which made the move quick and painless (take a bow, Mark, Liam and Jonny). Sarah Robertson, our full time Office Manager decided on the way the office layout should be and even negotiated with the landlord’s representative for the Ladies toilet next door to our office to replace the noisy hand dryer with hand towels! With a couple of speakers and Spotify installed, we’re ready to rumble from the 6th.

The office is on the first floor of the building and Dobson House has excellent meeting rooms, kitchens and a café just downstairs (which does a mean panini!). An abundance of free parking and a location just off the A1 is just perfect for both our and Sarah’s commute from the west side of the City.

We’re really excited about the moves which come just before we celebrate out 15th birthday as Edwards Cleaning and our 20th year in business on the 1st of September 2018. By then we hope to be settled in to both the office and our new home. All very exciting times.