31st March 2023
About us
As an employer of over 250 staff, Edwards Commercial Cleaning Services Limited is required to report annually on our gender pay gap under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017, and to publish the results on both our own and the government’s websites. As a Company the majority of our employees are part time, however the gender pay gap report is based on the ‘headcount’ of the number of individual employees, not full-time equivalents.

Understanding Gender Pay Gap
The gender pay gap and equal pay are not the same thing. Equal pay is about ensuring that people have the same pay or pay range for work of equal value. Gender pay analysis is more about the distribution of roles held by men and women across all areas of work and the causes of any gaps that arise as a result.
An organisation can have completely fair pay processes but still have a pay gap because men and women are unevenly distributed in jobs across the workplace. Edwards Commercial Cleaning Services workforce as of 31st March 2023 was made up of 275 people, of which 72% were female and 28% male. As we only have females in the upper quartile we do not have a gender pay gap but a gap in favor of females by 1.13%